Secondhand Toyfriend (English Edition) Secondhand Toyfriend (English Edition)
Secondhand Toyfriend (English Edition)
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Secondhand Toyfriend (English Edition)

17-year old Damian is struggling in his relationship with his girlfriend Emma. She would like to take it to the next level, but Damian doesn’t feel the physical desire to sleep with her. In fact, he is wondering if he could possibly be gay, because he feels more attracted to boys.
How can he be sure? He needs a sex toy – preferably second hand and packaged inconspicuously so that his mother doesn't find out. Thus, he responds to an online ad that was actually only posted as a joke by Emil, who is the same age as Damian. A careful chat begins between the two boys that will change everything ...

Authentic, full of empathy and humour, bestselling authors Marik Roeder, aka darkviktory, and Kostas Kind, both content creators and activists, tell a compelling story of discovering one's own sexuality and the challenges of coming out.

  • E-Book 12,99 € (D)

Erscheinungstermin: 23.04.2025

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  • Amazon
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  • Hugendubel
  • Thalia
  • Verlag: FISCHER Kinder- und Jugendbuch E-Books
  • Erscheinungstermin: 23.04.2025
  • Lieferstatus: Noch nicht verfügbar
  • 256 Seiten
  • empfohlenes Alter: ab 14 Jahre
  • ISBN: 978-3-7336-0924-5

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Secondhand Toyfriend (English Edition)

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