Der Kuß der Koi (engl.)
Prosa und Photos
Reiner Kunze says his book, »Kiss of the Koi«, came into being from »the melancholy of happy moments.« He calls it his »›counter-book‹, a book to counter the prevailing tone of ugliness, nastiness, brutality.« To accompany his reflections, Kunze spent four years taking photographs from the edge of his pond - at no time using an underwater camera. He created portraits of his colorful Japanese carp (Koi) that show the dignity and individual characteristics of each fish, a photographic accompaniment as unique as the fact that a poet would use a Koi as a point of departure to reflect on our animal nature. The author speaks of them as his »allies.« Readers whose souls are not encased in a »coat of chain mail armour« will feel this way about the book.
Erscheinungstermin: 15.11.2002
- Verlag: S. FISCHER
- Erscheinungstermin: 15.11.2002
- Lieferstatus: Verfügbar
- 176 Seiten
- ISBN: 978-3-10-042022-0
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