- Catch of the Day - The S. Fischer Foreign Rights Podcast
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- Foreign Rights Website
- Rights List Autumn 2024
- How I Wrote This Podcast with Julia Franck
- »Kind and Lovely Mr Heinlein and the Skeletons in His Closet« by Stephan Ludwig
- »There Were Days« by Luna Ali
- »White Spots« by Lene Albrecht
- »Border Case« by Anna Schneider
- »Love in the Times of Mao Zedong« by Liao Yiwu
- »The Tea Merchant« by Susanne Popp
- »Shitmoves« by Iris Gavric and Matthias Renger
- »A Thousand and One Mornings« by Ilija Trojanow
- »Marshlands« by Jarka Kubsova
- »The Magic of Silence« by Florian Illies
- »Smelling to Survive« by Bill Hansson
- »The Lockmaster« by Christoph Ransmayr
- »The Trip« by Arno Strobel
- Impressum