Sample Translations English

180 Grad Meer

Sample Translations English
It’s rare that Jule can truly relax. All the rage which she has accumulated over the years is too close to the surface for that. So she tries to sidestep as many problems in her life as she can. She’s no longer in contact with her father; if given her way, she’d ignore the phone calls from her depressive mother; and her job feels more and more like pulling teeth. Her boyfriend is her one place of refuge – but when even that safe haven is threatened, she flees to the UK, where her brother lives. But there, she runs into her father unexpectedly, and Jule realizes that she must finally confront the problems in her life.
180° of Sea is typical Sarah Kuttner: with an open, irreverent narrative style, she manages to shine a light on all of life’s bizarre little details. But in its choice of topic, her latest work is more courageous and existential than ever.
A tragicomedy about the will to live life to the fullest.
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Sample Translations
  • Publisher: FISCHER Taschenbuch
  • Release: 27.04.2017
  • 272 pages
Katharina Hintze

Sarah Kuttner

Sarah Kuttner’s first novel Mängelexemplar was published in 2009 and spent weeks on the bestseller list. Then as now, Kuttner writes about serious, existential issues, directly and honestly, a mix of empathy and flippancy which made her a popular TV personality in her shows “Sarah Kuttner – Die Show” (VIVA) and “Kuttner.” (MTV). She has presented various formats of her own on national and regional public channels, such as “Bambule” and “Kuttners Kleinanzeigen”. Since 2016, she has been producing and presenting the monthly event series “Kuttners schöne Nerdnacht” and since 2017 has co-presented the podcast “Das kleine Fernsehballett” on Deezer. She’s also on Instagram: @diekuttner | Twitter: @KuttnerSarah | Facebook: @SarahKuttner.