
Ein Brief von Ricardo Teperman

Ricardo Teperman ist Lektor bei Companhia das Letras, Brasiliens größtem Buchverlag.

São Paulo, March 27 


Querida Teresa,

nice to receive your message. Here goes my letter, addressed to you. It is a short one, but from the deep. You wrote you can’t sing like the Italians, that is why you have chosen to write letters instead.

We Brazilians can sing – ok, maybe not like the Italians, but in a soft tone that some may like.

The thing is that we now have a hoarse voice – and the reason is that we have been pushed to shout loud every night, against world's worst leader, our President.

There are many reasons for being sad and worried about the future of our country (and our planet, for the rest). But it is particularly hard to know that the one person that could really make a difference, the man in charge of the higher office in the nation, is a complete lunatic – and a very dangerous one. 

You know I like to sing.
Well, I hope someday I can use my voice to sing again. 

Take care, stay safe! 

Um beijo,