Sample Translations English

Revolution for Life

Philosophy of new forms of protest

Sample Translations English
  • A philosophical analysis of new protest movements like Black Lives Matter and Fridays for Future that shape modern life 
  • The most powerful new voice in German political philosophy
  • Sample Translation available
  • English proposal available
  • NBG review available (Spring 2021)

A radical social critique — and a heartfelt endorsement of the power of human action.

 The future of democratic societies is under intense pressure from the rise of authoritarianism and the imminent threat of climate change. However, resistance is forming in the gaps of the power matrix. In her philosophical analysis of these new forms of resistance, the philosopher Eva von Redecker sheds light on the potential for a revolution for life.

​Black Lives Matter, Fridays for Future und NiUnaMenos are all examples of worldwide protests against the destruction of life. This destruction includes rising sea levels, climate change, border regimes and domestic violence. Eva von Redecker identifies in these movements a new form of activism, one focused on ensuring human survival and safeguarding our livelihoods. Her research is at the intersection of critical theory and feminism. In her book, she analyzes the beginnings of a revolution that could bring down the disastrous capitalist order. She highlights how we need to change our lifestyles if we wish to rescue life rather than continue to degrade it. We have to nurture where we used to destroy, regenerate where we used to exploit and share where we used to consume.

What we need is a revolution in all our activities and every area of our lives.

 ​“This book might turn into the bible of intellectual resistance against real existing capitalism”.  Deutschlandfunk Kultur 

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  • Publisher: S. FISCHER
  • Release: 23.09.2020
  • 320 pages
  • Format: Hardcover
Cover Download Revolution für das Leben
Revolution für das Leben
Sophie Brand

Eva von Redecker

Eva von Redecker, born in 1982, is a philosopher and freelance writer. Eva has taught at Humboldt-University and the New School, New York. In 2020/21, she held a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie fellowship at the University of Verona, where she investigated the history of ownership. Eva von Redecker’s work focuses on critical theory, feminism, and critiques of capitalism. She contributes to several newspapers, including Die Zeit and The Guardian, and regularly gives interviews on radio and TV. Her most recent publication with S. Fischer is her book Revolution für das Leben. Philosophie der neuen Protestformen [Revolution for Life. The Philsophy of New Forms of Protest] (2020); she also provided the foreword to the German anniversary edition of Dialektik der Aufklärung (Dialectic of Enlightenment). She grew up on an organic farm, and now lives in rural Brandenburg.