Sample Translations English

Twin Track

Sample Translations English
  • A juggle of fact and fiction showing us how fake news has turned us into accomplices of those in power


  • Film rights under option
  • Nominated for the Austrian Book Prize
  • Full English Translation available

A  journey into the labyrinth of power

Investigative journalist Iliya is contacted by two whistleblowers from the US and Russian intelligence services within a few minutes of each other. Scoop or trap? He and his American colleague Boris play along and become involved in a two-track investigation that leads them to Hong Kong, Vienna, New York and Moscow.

The leaked documents lay bare an abyss of corruption, deceit and collusion between criminal oligarchs and the mafia, implicating the American and Russian heads of state. How much is to be believed? Who wins if lies are propagated? Are the two reporters merely pawns in the hands of the intelligence services?

The last to join their team is Emi, a journalist who has made a documentary film about sexual abuse of women and children. Is it merely a coincidence that some of the perpetrators’ names crop up in the leaked intelligence documents?

The new novel by international bestselling author Iliya Troyanov (The Collector of Worlds) explores a web of corruption and collusion between the United States and Russia.


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BG (Ciela); Rights to other titles sold (selection): Kampfabsage: BG (Ciela)| Arabic (Mahrousa/Egypt)| IND (English: Yoda); Meine Olympiade: PL (Sonia Draga)| TWN (Business Weekly); Macht und Widerstand: BG (Ciela)| CZ (Akropolis)| DK (Tiderne Skifter)| E (Acantilado)| NL (De Geus)| TR (CAN)| TWN (Business Weekly); EisTau: BG (Ciela)| BR (Companhia das Letras)| DK (Tiderne Skifter)| E (Spanish + Catalan: Rayo Verde)| F (Libella)| NL (De Geus)| SVN (Studentska Zalozba)| UK/USA (Verso); Der Weltensammler: published in 23 countries


  • Publisher: S. FISCHER
  • Release: 29.07.2020
  • 240 pages
  • Format: Hardcover
Thomas Dorn

Ilija Trojanow

Ilija Trojanow was born in Sofia (Bulgaria) in 1965 and fled to Germany with his family in 1971 via Yugoslavia and Italy. Having spent periods of time in Kenya, Paris, Munich, Mumbai and Cape Town, he now lives in Vienna. His novels and travel books have enjoyed critical acclaim and commercial success and won numerous prizes. His most recent books with S. Fischer are his epic novel Power and Resistance, his bestselling non-fiction account My Olympiad, and Fleeing, And Then?, part memoir, part political essay.


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